- Exam Date & Register
- Exam Details
- Instructions to Candidates &
Terms & Conditions - Download of Exam Platform &
Equipment Required - FAQs
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Exam Date
GAPSK General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary and Secondary| Online Oral
Exam Levels:
Primary Elementary Level (Primary 1-2)
Primary Intermediate Level (Primary 3-4)
Primary Advanced Level (Primary 5-6)
Junior Elementary Level (Secondary 1-3)
Exam Dates:
11 January 2023 (WED)
15 February 2023 (WED)
Application Deadline: Seats will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis.
If there is no option at the Application System, it means the quota is full.
Exam Fee: Online registration HK$430/ Exam
Registration Method
By Online Registration: Fill in the application form to reserve the exam quota. (Terms & Conditions applied)
Required Documents:
(1) proof of identity copy (Eg. Student card, Student information details page in the hand book)
(2) Payment slip
All documents including proof of identity & payment slip must be provided in 72 hours after application. If the document is overdue, the registration may be cancelled without prior notice.
Payment Method
A. By Cheque: Payable to “GAPSK” (Please specify the student name, exam level & contact number at the back of the cheque)
B. By Bank Deposit: China Construction Bank(Asia) 846-210118734 “GAPSK” (Please specify the student name, exam level & contact number)
C. FPS: GAPSK account 103526992 China Construction Bank(Asia) (Please specify the student name, exam level & contact number)
GAPSK Registration System Guide:
*Get more latest information by subscribing the GAPSK YouTube channel NOW!*

In-School GAPSK
Oral Exam Details
Primary Elementary Level: Primary 1-2 or corresponding grades
Exam Content | Type of Questions | Score | |
Oral | Reading |
30 |
Speaking |
20 |
Primary Intermediate Level: Primary 3-4 or corresponding grades
Exam Content | Type of Questions | Score | |
Oral | Reading |
25 |
Speaking |
25 | |

Primary Advanced Level: Primary 5-6 or corresponding grades
Exam Content | Type of Questions | Score | |
Oral | Reading |
25 |
Speaking |
25 | |

Secondary Junior Elementary Level: Secondary 1-3 or corresponding grades
Exam Content | Type of Questions | Score | |
Oral | Reading |
25 |
Speaking |
25 | |

Certificate of Achievement
For those who score 60 or above will receive a transcript and a certificate of “General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary & Secondary” jointly issued by the Peking University Institute of Language Education and the GAPSK Examination Committee.
Excellence (First): Score 97-100
Excellence (Second): Score 90-96
Outstanding (First): Score 86-89
Outstanding (Second): Score 80-85
Superior (First): Score 76-79
Superior (Second): Score 70-75
Satisfactory (First): Score 66-69
Satisfactory (Second): Score 60-65
The General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary and Secondary is held in public four times a year (February, May, August and November). The latest exam dates is announced on our website and applications are welcome accordingly. Generally, the deadline for registration is two weeks before the exam date. Seats will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis. Candidates are advised to choose the date and time carefully. Once registered, information cannot be changed.
Candidates will receive the “Admission Form” and “Examinee Handbook” issued by the GAPSK Examination Committee within a week before the exam date. The exact time will be stated on “Admission Form”, please pay attention to the relevant details and attend the exam at the designated time on the “Admission Ticket”.
Instructions to Candidates
- Photos taking, audio recording or video recording is strictly prohibited during the exam. Parents or third party are not allowed to give any form of reminder to candidates, such as: command, mouth shape, movement, etc.
- Before starting the test, please make sure that there are no notes, books or any electronic devices on the table (except blank paper for drafting purposes). If find, will be regarded as cheating.
- During the exam, candidates should not leave the camera.
- During the exam, do not manually close the browser or exam platform.
- If (1), (2), (3), (4) occurs, the committee will cancel the candidate’s exam qualification, immediately suspend the exam, not recognize the score, and will not arrange for a make-up exam and will not issue a refund.
- Please keep the webcam fixed, avoid vibration, shaking or movement. The candidate’s face and upper body must be clearly recorded.
- Candidates are required to answer all questions in the exam within the time limit. Score will be deducted for answering late.
- The entire exam process will be recorded by the system to protect the candidates.
- Please take the exam in a well-lit and quiet venue.
Terms & Conditions
- Please ensure that candidates have sufficient autonomy and concentration to handle the exam. If the exam cannot be taken due to the individual factors of the candidate during the exam, the committee will not take any responsibility, and will not arrange for make-up exams or refunds. These factors include, but are not limited to inability to concentrate, emotional instability, or crying.
- If (1) occurs, and the exam staff of the committee evaluates that the candidate cannot take the exam in short period, the exam will be suspended and no make-up arrangements will be made.
- GAPSK General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary and Secondary| Online Oral can only be conducted on the website of the GAPSK exam platform or the online exam App. Candidates must download the appropriate App in advance to take the exam.
- Candidates need to log in to the GAPSK Exam platform at the specified time and pay attention to read and abide by the instructions and rules of the exam carefully.
- Candidates must ensure that they have the appropriate hardware, software and network equipment to attend the exam.
- The questions and models of the exam are determined according to the GAPSK General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary and Secondary| Online Oral syllabus and exam taking guide, the content and exam taking model of the oral exam may be slightly different from the physical exam.
- If you are unable to take the test due to any force majeure, the committee will not be responsible for it and will make a refund. The above factors include, but are not limited to loss of connection to the GAPSK exam platform or your electronic device; hardware or software failure or problems; and/or network connection, computer or system failure or problems and sudden power outages.
- If (7) occurs, and the exam staff of the committee confirms that it cannot be repaired within a short period of time, the exam will be suspended. The committee will arrange make-up examinations if appropriate.
- Candidates who take the exam will receive the certificate of achievement and transcript showing the corresponding grade.
- Photos taking, audio recording or video recording is strictly prohibited during the exam. Parents or third party are not allowed to give any form of reminder to candidates, such as: command, mouth shape, movement, etc. The committee will cancel the candidate’s exam qualification, immediately suspend the exam, not recognize the score, and will not arrange for a make-up exam and will not issue a refund.
- If repeatedly cheated find, the committee reserves the right to blacklist the candidate, and the candidate may not be able to participate in any activities or exam organized by GAPSK.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of GAPSK Examination Committee shall be final.
Download of Exam Platform
Click the below icons to download
Android System:

Apple iOS System:

- Using computer: No need to download App or software (Suggested)
- Operating system: Windows 7 or above, or Mac OS X 10.6 or above
- Browser: Version Chrome 5 or above (Other browsers are not supported)
Equipment Required
Hardware requirement:
- Webcam (720p or above)
Over-ear headphones or in-ear headphones, both with external/built-in microphone. Bluetooth headsets is not allowed.
*External speakers are not suitable for the exam, while wireless headphones are also not recommended.
Recommended computer equipment:
- CPU: Intel dual core or faster processor
- RAM: 4G RAM or above
- Network Equipment – ADSL, Cable, Wi-Fi or other broadband Internet access: Download rate at 10MB or above, Upload rate at 3MB or above, shared Wi-Fi is not suggested.
Recommended tablet equipment:
- RAM: 4G RAM or above
- Monitor: 10 inches or above
- Network Equipment – Wi-Fi: Download rate at 10MB or above, Upload rate at 3MB or above, shared Wi-Fi is not suggested.
● Computer: Please search “Broadband Performance Test” to measure the performance of the broadband connections
● Tablet: Please search from Google Play or App Store for “Broadband Performance Test to measure the performance of the broadband connections
● Download rate at 10MB or above, Upload rate at 3MB or above, shared Wi-Fi is not suggested
Q: Is the content of the online oral exam exactly the same as the physical test?
A: The questions and models of the exam are determined according to the GAPSK General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Primary and Secondary| Online Oral syllabus and exam taking guide, the content and exam taking model of the oral exam may be slightly different from the physical exam.
Q: What are the exam levels for the online oral exam?
Exam Levels are Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary. Please ensure that candidates have sufficient autonomy and concentration to handle the exam. If the exam cannot be taken due to the individual factors of the candidate during the exam, the committee will not take any responsibility, and will not arrange for make-up exams or refunds. These factors include, but are not limited to inability to concentrate, emotional instability, or crying.
Q: What equipment is needed for the exam?
Please refer to the details of the “Equipment Required” for the exam.
Q: Can request refund after applying for the exam?
There are no refunds for all exams.
Q: How long will the exam take?
Around 30 minutes.
Q: What are needed to prepare for the exam?
– Tablet/ desktop or notebook with internet access
– Webcam (720p or above)
– Over-ear headphones or in-ear headphones, both with external/built-in microphone. Bluetooth headsets is not allowed.
– External speakers are not suitable for the exam, while wireless headphones are also not recommended.
– Blank paper for drafting purposes
Q: Under what conditions should the exam be conducted?
– Network stability
– Quiet area
– Indoor room
– Sufficient lighting
– Free from harassment
Q: What is the language used during the exam?
During the explanation and test of hardware and software equipment, the test staff will communicate with parents in Cantonese, other then that, Mandarin will be used for the whole exam.
下載速率10MB 以上、上傳速率3MB以上即合乎GAPSK網絡試資格,考務人員也會在考試前和家長進行硬軟件設備和網速測試。
– 預先關閉不必要的程式
– 須預先調整好鏡頭角度,考生須面向鏡頭正中間
– 確認鏡頭,耳機及麥克風已開啟且操作正常
– 於GAPSK Exam網頁或APP中已經確認授權本會使用鏡頭,耳機及麥克風